
Daily Notices

From: Liz Moka - Mangaroa Leader Rm 20
Lunchtime Sport/Referees There will be no Lunchtime Sport or Referees group this week as Mrs Moka is away at the AIMS Games.

This will resume in week 9, and we will re-start with Rippa Rugby - so make sure you get some practice in!
Notice date: Monday 9th Sep 2024
From: Darcy Solia - Visual Arts Whole School
BOYS VOLLEYBALL TRIALS Final Boys Volleyball trials on tomorrow inside the hall. Boys names will be displayed on the hall window. There will be only be two teams in this trial. Good luck.
Mr Solia
Notice date: Friday 6th Sep 2024
From: Darcy Solia - Visual Arts Whole School
Pasifika Leaders Meeting Pasifika leaders meeting tomorrow in the Music room with Mrs Dean tomorrow, 1st block. 
Block 3 will be full Pasifika practice for all students in Pasifika.
Notice date: Friday 6th Sep 2024